Vista Hair Clinic is a boutique Scalp Micropigmentation clinic, our reputation is built one client at a time so expect the utmost professionalism, discretion, knowledge and stellar ethical standards. All procedures are performed by the lead SMP practitioner Alex.
Alex, has been actively involved in the healthcare industry for over 12 years and is an American Board Certified Healthcare Professional. Through years of experience he has gained a remarkable reputation for diligence and professionalism which have made him so valuable to patients for over a decade; he now brings these qualities to Vista Hair Clinic to continue helping clients and transforming lives; one scalp at a time!
We understand that undertaking a Scalp Micropigmentation treatment is a life changing experience. Your consultation is always completely free of charge and with no obligation. Your decision is yours alone, our intention is to educate and answer any questions you have, going over all the details of the treatment so you can make an informed decision. Rest assured that we will never make you feel pressured.
Please choose any desired method for your initial consultation:
During initial consultation we will analyze your follicle pattern and shading, discuss your desired hairline style, blending methods, explain preparation and after-care. At you request, during consultation we can perform a sample SMP discreet skin patch test. This patch test may be an excellent, discreet way to experience the “feel” and look of the procedure. Additionally, although allergic reaction of the skin to the pigment is extremely unlikely and very unusual this test should rule out any potential complications, no matter how rare they may be.
A phone consultation is a very convenient option and we encourage it to save time, expense or inconvenience of traveling. Prior to phone consultation please text or email three current photos–showing the front, side, and back of your head, please make sure that scars or other imperfections are clearly visible. We will review your pictures and discuss your desired hairline style, blending methods, explain preparation and after-care.
Following proper aftercare guidelines is an extremely important part of the successful Scalp Micropigmentation procedure.
Each dot is a tiny scab that contains SMP pigment – please allow it to properly heal. Initially, after your procedure these dots are going to look larger and darker than they should, don’t worry, they will get smaller and lighter. As your scalp heals, the scabs come off while taking some of the pigment along, this is what we refer to as immediate fading.
Do NOT wash, rub or touch your head for a minimum of 3 days after each session
Avoid sweating, trips to the sauna or gym
On day 4 you can wash your head with water only. If you have more SMP sessions to go, start moisturizing your scalp
On day 7 you can cleanse your head using a gentle facial cleanser
For 30 days you MUST avoid heavy sweating, exfoliating, any scalp abrasion and prolonged exposure to strong UV rays (sunlight), including tanning booths
After 30 days you can resume all your usual activities.
Take sensible precautions in the sun. It is imperative to use at least an SPF15 on your head.
Reconsider your use of sunbeds as they accelerate your rate of fading
Avoid topical creams that contain high concentrations of alcohol. Be aware that most cosmetic creams, lotions and moisturizers contain SOME alcohol, but these are generally fine. We are referring to high concentrations like what you’d find in minoxidil lotion, etc.
Use an exfoliating cleanser on your head as this removes dead skin cells and keeps your head looking fresh
Consider moisturizing daily, keeping your scalp in good condition will benefit your overall appearance, as well as your pigments
“The Power Cut” is the hot, young look that everyone from executives to athletes have been sporting. Now, men who are bald or suffer from hair loss can sport it too. This new look is made possible with Scalp Micropigmentation”
-CBSMiami (May 8, 2014)The baldness battle no longer has to be such a hair-raising experience”
-NEW YORK DAILY NEWS (July 2, 2015)A new tactic in the fight against baldness…
- NEW YORK DAILY NEWS (July 2, 2015)