Men’s hair loss or hair thinning generally has genetic causes, while women may experience hair loss due to many medical conditions.
Faced with hair loss most men learn to become comfortable with their baldness or actually embrace the look by choosing Scalp Micropigmentation to re-establish a new hairline that frames the face creating a youthful look of a full head of well-groomed hair.
It isn’t as simple with women, often their condition may be potentially reversible and caused by hormonal causes, thyroid, or autoimmune diseases. However, in the event female hair loss is diagnosed as non-reversible, Scalp Micropigmentation may be a viable solution. Sometimes, balding women choose hairstyles that only accentuate their problem such as pulling strands of hair from one side of the head to cover the balding spot on the other, or worse, weakening existing hair with the use of hair extensions.
Through the application of Scalp Micropigmentation women can get rid of their visible balding areas while maintaining the freedom of having any hairstyle they are comfortable with, be it short or long.
“The Power Cut” is the hot, young look that everyone from executives to athletes have been sporting. Now, men who are bald or suffer from hair loss can sport it too. This new look is made possible with Scalp Micropigmentation”
-CBSMiami (May 8, 2014)The baldness battle no longer has to be such a hair-raising experience”
-NEW YORK DAILY NEWS (July 2, 2015)A new tactic in the fight against baldness…
- NEW YORK DAILY NEWS (July 2, 2015)